At MileStone Lane we believe in building a foundation that will support a life-time love for learning. We also believe that learning should be hands on and fun. Following the HighScope Curriculum our preschool program is just that; hands on, fun and one that will help build a strong academic foundation.
Curriculum Outline for preschool
Life Skills: Our Life Skills program guides your child to a healthy self-image, encourages respectful relationships with others and develops a responsible and respectful attitude toward their environment. We incorporate life skills such as; manners and etiquette (e.g. pleases and thank yous, respecting and helping others and cleaning up after themselves). Our Life Skills program also helps in guiding your child towards being independent and self-reliant.
Science: Our science program is a hand’s on nature curriculum. Your child will explore nature with activities such as; planting seeds and watching them grow, examining nature’s bits and pieces closely through a magnifying glass, observing and charting the weather daily along with the changing seasons and participating in nature walks. Researching and exploring their world through play. Our hands on science program will also inspire your child’s creativity by incorporating all that they discover into creative art projects.
Social Studies: Your child will learn about themselves, family, (parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts, and uncles) and friends; learning that they belong to a family and that they are part of a neighborhood. Your child will learn about people and jobs within the community, such as; firefighters, police officers, teachers, doctors, nurses and will incorporate those roles into dramatic dress-up play and puppet play. They will explore other cultures and people from around the world; celebrating the whole world as an expansion to their community.
Language Arts: Our program is based on a new letter and letter sound each week. Each letter sound is taught with an accompanying action, (e.g. the bees are buzzing or the ball is bouncing for the letter “B”). Your child will be introduced to phonic awareness with songs, rhymes and stories and learn to identify initial sounds in words while being introduced to children’s literature during story time. The “letter of the week” is incorporated in our weekly science, art and music lessons.
Handwriting: Our focus is on developing hand strength and fine motor skills. We encourage forming upper case letters, lower case letters and handwriting skills with coloring, drawing and simple writing, (e.g. learning to write their name).
Mathematics: Our mathematics program is centered on the concepts of shapes, colors, patterns, sorting, relational concepts, calendar skills and beginning numerals. These simple math concepts are also incorporated into daily structured play time and circle time. (e.g. board games, counting and sorting by shapes, size and color differences ).
Out Door Play: Outdoor play is an important part of your child’s development. Your child will use this time to explore nature’s surprises, develop large motor skills, coordination and social skills with activities such as; creative movement, leap frog, tumbling and when chasing butterflies, bubbles and dandelion seeds.