MileStone Lane was established in 2005 and is recognized for an outstanding program.
Our vision at MileStone Lane is to achieve Academic Excellence by providing our children with an early childhood education that is responsive to current best practices and principles; building a foundation that will support a lifetime love for learning while guiding our children towards becoming independent, self-reliant and contributing members of our community.
At MileStone Lane, our mission is to advance the practice of early childhood education guided by the Early Learning Development Standards that supports academic skills and advances the theories and the approaches to learning by Jean Piaget’s experiential learning and Vygotsky’s pretend play, dramatic play and experimentation that help develop self-regulation and social expectations to achieve success in school and throughout their lifetime.
“Experiential Learning” - Learning by Doing - includes knowledge and skills acquired outside of book/lecture learning situations through work, play, and other life experiences.” |